Training and Technical Support

Washington State Community Connectors networks with organizations across the state in order to provide or organize a variety of trainings and technical support for family-led organizations and system partners across the state. Trainings focus on helping individuals or groups develop the skills they need for effective advocacy, leadership, and community level practice. Technical support focuses on helping organizations meet the needs of youth and families in their communities by assisting with the development of sustainable, family and community focused practices. If you are interested in organizing a training or need to request technical support please call (253) 251-2952 or email


Offered by Washington State Community Connectors:

Serving on Groups that Make Decisions – A Guide for Families

Special Education

Self Care

Parents Empowering Parents

Non Adversarial Advocacy

Leading by Convening

Leadership Delvelopment

Advocacy Policy

Family Engagement

A Look at WSCC: An Opportunity for Transparency and Collaboration




Offered by Statewide Family Network:

Self Advocacy

Person Centered Planning

Effective Advocacy

Community Awareness and “First Impression” Training

Parents Empowering Parents

Mental Health First Aid: Adult and Youth

Crisis Cycle

Parent Wellness

Parents Participating on Teams

Ethics and Boundaries in the Family Peer Support Role


Offered by Partners:

Building Workforce Capacity (Best Practices)

Wraparound Training

Certified Peer Counseling Training for Families and Youth

WISe Training

Youth Professional Leadership Training

Leadership and Stigma Busting

Digital and Spoken Word

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