Who We Are

WSCC began in 1988 as an organization called the Community Connectors, a loose-knit gathering of families who sought to provide support for other families raising children with complex emotional needs and who were navigating child-serving systems. Our recent incorporation as a 501c(3) nonprofit in 2015 has expanded our capacity to provide support for families across Washington State.

WSCC seeks to continue representing and strengthening their family-led membership by providing opportunities to support and encourage collaboration efforts within the statewide network and with community and system partners. The statewide family network seeks to be responsive to support and technical assistance needs in the family-led community to increase family-voice and choice in all regions of Washington. This includes creating mechanisms for families to participate in state and local service planning and policy development, and developing authentic and inclusive collaborative partnerships with system and community partners.

WSCC commits to fostering an ongoing respectful, transparent statewide family-led community and to promoting access to educational and training opportunities, proactive community outreach for workforce development and technical assistance with all partners, and developing a responsive organizational culture of inquiry, reflection, and action.

Almost all of WSCC’s board and staff members are parents or caregivers who have raised children with complex emotional needs.

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