WSCC Program Staff

Amber Bryant – Administrative Director

I adopted two beautiful children 14 years ago. My son has a rare brain malformation and is a unique and exuberant child. There have been both smooth days and rough days along this path of ours, but we hold on tight to the good and learn from our challenges. Speaking of holding on tight, my teenaged daughter is currently learning how to drive. She will be a senior in high school next year and recently began working. When faced with a free moment, I love to read, explore my creative side through sewing & art, and spend as much time outdoors as possible (preferably near water).

My children are my joy. I’m so grateful I have had the opportunity to raise them. As both a parent of a disabled child and now a professional working in the community, I have the balanced perspective of having been on both sides of the table. I returned to college in my 30s to finish a bachelor’s degree in communications that got put on hold while I focused on motherhood.

I’m so excited to join WSCC and look forward to contributing to our mutual goal of empowering individuals, families, and caregivers with the self-advocacy skills to be able to overcome the barriers they face and gain access to the services they need.

Karen Kelly – Project Director

My biggest passion is my family; being a wife and mom fills my heart! My education in the behavioral health field is from my lived experience as a child of a mentally ill parent, the journey with my son, beginning in 1998 when he was 8 years old, and into today with my adopted daughter experiencing severe behavioral health challenges. I am an advocate of self-care and I live by the motto of re-framing! If I am not working, I am curling up with my tablet and reading or playing games, watching my favorite tv shows, or camping with my family. I am growing every day and look forward to being a part of positive change in the behavioral health arena.

Kristen Wells – Volunteer

I am a recent MSW graduate who has continued volunteering for WSCC after completing an internship with them as part of my degree. My interest in children’s behavioral health comes from my experiences growing up with a sibling who has complex behavioral health needs.

I have personal experience as a family member in the Wraparound Program, and four years of professional experience working with children and families through various social service systems. I currently work in the behavioral health field as a care coordinator. I am passionate about empowering organizations and the people who run them through evaluation, development of infrastructure, and sustainability planning.

My free time is dedicated to spending time with family and friends, reading, and gaming.

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